Affiliate Pre-Courses — Saturday, July 13
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. | Golden Cliff | General
CoARC Meet the Referee
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)
This session is an opportunity for program personnel and administrators to meet with their program referees on an individual basis to discuss:
- Recent changes to CoARC policies, procedures, and documentation involving the referee process.
- Interpretation of the new CoARC accreditation standards.
- What is recommended for improvement of the institution or program, including any progress reports.
- How to communicate appropriately and effectively with their program referee and Executive Office staff.
Attendance for this session is on a first-come, first-served basis and attendees are required to pre-register. For additional information, contact Tammy Alsup with the CoARC. Pre-registration will close June 6th; those who pre-register will be e-mailed and receive further information regarding the appointment and the meeting location after that time.
1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. | Ballroom 1–3 | Education
Master Class
Encouraging the Next Generation of Faculty
Jennifer Anderson EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Sarah Varekojis PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, FNAP, FAARC
Kristen McHenry Ed.D, RRT, RRT-ACCS
Lori Tinker MBA, ICE-CCP — Moderator

Under the theme that The World Needs More RTs, this master class is designed to help personnel transition to different educational roles. The class is another outgrowth of the collaboration among the AARC, the NBRC, and the CoARC. During this interactive workshop, leaders will advise those who plan to transition into education of respiratory therapists who enter practice. These may include one of the key personnel within a program or an instructor position. Another potential role is those who provide college level education culminating in at least a master’s degree, including those who educate within an Advance Practice Respiratory Therapy (APRT) program. To help each participant create a career transition plan while in the workshop, discussion topics will include the minimum degree to be held by the educator, the skill set one should develop for the desired role, and available sources of financial support through scholarships.
Attendance for this session is on a first-come, first-served basis. No pre-registration is required. Approved for 3.00 hours of continuing education credits (CRCE).