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2025 Brings New Opportunities for AARC Members


This year will surely be marked with many different ups and downs for the healthcare profession and respiratory care. In a recent interview with AARC President Dana Evans, MHA, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC, FACHE, she shares her 2025 vision for AARC and the upcoming opportunities in the year ahead.

What are some of the action items that you are most looking forward to accomplishing in 2025 during your presidency?  
In 2025, AARC will round out our current strategic plan and develop our next plan. This plan will serve as our roadmap for the next three years (2026-2028). 

Another priority in 2025 is the continued progress of compact licensure for respiratory therapists. Model legislation was completed late last year and is now ready for individual states to introduce. In fact, Washington will be the first state to introduce legislation. If you’d like to get involved, learn more here or email us at

In addition, the emerging leader program (ELP) will enroll their second cohort, providing education and support for those aspiring to be a leader and professionals early in their careers.  Keep an eye out for the applications to open.

I’m also excited that AARC will host a “Future Outlook” summit.  This will include key leaders in all aspects of respiratory care evaluating the current state of our field and identifying what the future may look like.

In 2024, Past President Hinkson convened an Education Summit to address barriers to advanced education for respiratory therapists.  In 2025, committees have been convened to begin working to address those barriers and support improved access to advanced education.

I have also convened a new group, the RT-led research advancement task force.  This group of professionals has been charged with addressing the barriers that limit RT-led research.  I am very much looking forward to their recommendations and program development.  By addressing these barriers, we can drive improvements in respiratory care, ensure best practice implementation, and enhance patient outcomes.

What are the top ways you see members getting involved in 2025?
There are many opportunities for AARC members to contribute to the advancement of our profession.  Volunteering your time with your state affiliate is a great way to impact respiratory therapists in your communities.  This could be through committees, working groups, conference participation, etc.  We also encourage you to answer the call when you request to reach out to your elected officials to advocate for policies and legislation. Another way to get involved is by sharing our profession with prospective students. You can do this by participating in the local HOSA chapter or contacting local schools to meet with students.

2024 was a remarkable year for the AARC, marked by significant achievements that strengthened our organization and profession. As we move into 2025, we look forward to building on that success and further advocating for our profession to create more remarkable progress and impact.


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