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Awards and Recognition

Apex Recognition Award Information

The AARC Apex Recognition Award is a recognition program for respiratory care departments in acute care hospitals, long-term care facilities, home medical equipment (HME) companies, educational programs, acute care international, post acute care, and dedicated transport teams.

AARC developed the Apex Recognition Award to recognize the significant contribution of respiratory therapists and highlight best practices in respiratory care that are aligned with evidence-based medicine. This program will also help consumers choose healthcare facilities that enhance patient safety and outcomes by providing access to respiratory therapists delivering high-quality evidence-based care.

The application period for the 2026–2027 application cycle will open on May 1, 2025. Deadline to purchase an Apex application will be June 16, 2025. Last day to upload documentation for consideration will be July 15, 2025. Winners will be announced in the fall. Questions, please email

Benefits of Recognition

Earning the Apex Recognition Award distinguishes your facility by demonstrating that it has a commitment to excellence in professional development, evidence-based care, patient safety, and quality improvement. An Apex designation showcases the value of respiratory therapists to your organization and community.

Categories of Recognition

There are currently seven categories for recognition: acute care hospitalslong-term care facilitieshome medical equipment (HME) companieseducational programs, acute care international, post acute care, and dedicated transport teams. Detailed explanations of the standards and a list of required documentation for each category are provided in the “Standards and Documentation” files below. Please be aware that the requirements have been updated from the previous Standards and Documentation. Read the requirements closely before initiating your application. A complete submission will require that you provide documented evidence for the individual criteria. If the stated requirements cannot be met, the Apex award cannot be granted. 

Please note: The AARC membership requirement will be assessed as of your Date of Application to the Apex program, please be sure to confirm that you have 50% AARC members before applying. You can check membership for your staff using the directory tab on AARConnect.

Application Process

  1. Submit your online application with a $250 application fee using the respective “Apply Online” link for your organization category.
  2. Once your payment has been processed you will be contacted within 2 business days with further instructions. If you do not receive an email within 2 business days, please email .
  3. One or more members of the AARC Apex Committee with experience in your category of recognition will review your application.
  4. The reviewer(s) submit recommendation to the committee. If further documentation is required, the applicant will be contacted by the committee.
  5. Upon achieving the Apex designation, your organization and leadership team are notified with a congratulatory announcement, and presented with a plaque, lapel pins, a PR toolkit and permission to use the AARC Apex Recognition Award logo on your website, social media and other communications.

Apex Recognition Award Deadlines and Details

The application period for the 2026-2027 application cycle will open on May 1, 2025.  

If you have questions about the recognition process or award, email