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AARC Election 2025 — Lee Wisdom

Lee Wisdom


Lee Wisdom

Respiratory Specialist
VERO Biotech, LLC
AARC Member Since: 2014

AARC Election 2025 button

AARC Activities:

  • Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2021-Present
  • Industry Taskforce Committee Member for AARC

HOD Activities:

  • AARC House of Delegates, January 2023-Present
  • Chartered Affiliates Committee (CAC), January 2024-Present
    • CAC Toolkit Committee, January 2024-Present

Affiliate Activities:

  • Kentucky Society for Respiratory Care
  • Jr. Delegate, January 2024-December 2026
  • Treasurer, January 2021-December 2022
  • Jefferson County District Representative, 2019 & 2020
  • Board of Directors, Executive Board Committee, January 2019-Present
  • Program Committee Chair, 2021-2023; Co-Chair, 2024
  • Membership Committee Co-Chair, 2019 & 2020, 2024
  • Long Range Planning Committee Member, 2020-Present
  • Program Committee Member, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
  • Publications Committee Member, April 2017-Present
  • Government Affairs Committee Member, 2016 & 2017

Related Organizations:

  • American Lung Association – KY
    • Leadership Board – 2024


  • Bachelor of Health Science- Respiratory Therapy, Bellarmine University, 2015
  • NBRC CRT – 2015
  • NBRC RRT – 2015
  • NBRC RRT-ACCS – 2016
  • NBRC RRT-NPS – 2016
  • Master of Health Science-Healthcare Leadership, Bellarmine University, 2017
  • Ph.D., Health Professions Education, Completion April — 2024
    • Dissertation: Respiratory Therapists’ Safety Attitudes and the Use of Workarounds: A Phenomenological Study

Elections Committee Questions:

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the AARC, and what do you recommend to address it?

I believe the biggest challenge for the AARC at this time will be to continue identifying strategies and opportunities to connect with therapists who are not actively involved with the state affiliates and the AARC. Additionally, working to reconnect with individuals who are no longer members and/or current members who may not embrace the full value of the AARC membership. Highlighting the exciting opportunities that the AARC has to offer and the recent changes, including new branding, updated strategic plan, and leadership engagement, which each have the potential to support continual growth within the profession, membership, and engagement.

Leaders in our profession and within the AARC have said, “There is strength in numbers.” Now is the time to continue working hard to identify therapists interested in participating, growing, and mentoring current and future professionals. In addition to identifying these team members at the state level, the best way to address opportunities with membership and participation is through continued collaboration with not only the state affiliates but also other organizations supporting the AARC mission, vision, and values. The AARC has done a great job at highlighting partnerships in the past several years, and ongoing efforts with organizations, including the NBRC, the CoARC, and the recently renamed American College of Respiratory Therapy Education, to name a few, will ensure the diverse needs of the profession continue to be met. I truly believe that by joining forces and ongoing collaboration, we can continue to grow our profession.

Healthcare is changing more rapidly than ever. What ideas do you have to help today’s respiratory therapist meet these changes?

Response: RTs have been highlighted significantly over the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, RTs have shared their experiences with challenging working conditions post-pandemic, and many are sharing the impact stressful working conditions have had on their engagement and mental health. Traditional methods for addressing burnout include things such as actively listening, offering support, and checking in with one another on the team. As the leading organization in our profession, the AARC has an opportunity to continue listening to members (and even non-members) and offer support on the national level. In this role, I would work to seek out member & even non-member feedback, work with state affiliate leaders and organizational leaders to look for innovative solutions to reducing burnout and identify solid methods to improve resilience among those within our profession. I truly believe that we must go to the members to understand the current barriers, and in this role, I’ll commit to recognizing and supporting members, listening to members, those interested in membership, and non-members within our profession.

Your role as Director-at Large is to represent the general AARC membership. If given the opportunity to represent, what will be your strategy in advocating for the everyday respiratory care professional?

As a practicing respiratory therapist, I cared for patients from NICU to geriatrics. I have listened actively to patients, their families, and other RT caregivers/interdisciplinary team members who have, together, helped me get where I am today. I believe these experiences have prepared me to serve in this role as a Director-at-Large. As an educator (both higher education & a clinical educator on the industry side of RT currently), I have explored opportunities to reach students, practicing therapists, and interdisciplinary team members with various learning styles, leveraging communication and networking. As a servant leader, my goal has always been to help others grow and to help the teams I’m a part of ensure quality, safe care for all our patients. Using the skills I have learned not only as a therapist but also in my education and leadership roles, I will continue to listen actively, search for feasible/innovative solutions, and work collaboratively with other leaders and members to grow and strengthen the profession.

Thank you for this opportunity to participate!