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AARC Election 2025 — Kerry McNiven

Kerry McNiven


Kerry McNiven

Instructor, Independent Contractor
Kettering National Seminars
AARC Member Since: 1978

AARC Election 2025 button

AARC Activities:

  • Director at Large, AARC Board of Directors 2019-2022
  • Committee Chair, Position Statement and Issue Papers Committee 2022-present
  • Committee Member, Position Statement and Issue Papers Committee 2019-2022
  • Committee Member, Policy Review Committee 2019-present

HOD Activities:

  • Secretary, House of Delegates 2015-2018
  • Chair and Co-Chair, Student Mentorship Committee 2011-2015
  • Member, HOD’s Ad Hoc Committee on Student Mentorship 2009-2011
  • Member, Affiliate Best Practices Committee 2009-2015

Affiliate Activities:

  • Secretary, Vermont/New Hampshire Society for Respiratory Care 2023-present
  • Member, Education Committee Vermont/New Hampshire Society for Respiratory Care 2023-present
  • Member, PACT, Policy/Bylaws Committees Vermont/New Hampshire Society for Respiratory Care 2024-present
  • Webmaster, Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2010-present
  • Delegate Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2019, 2009-2015
  • Chair, Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care Election Committee 2001-2003, 2010-2018
  • Member, Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care Board of Directors 1988-1990, 1996-03, 2007-2009
  • Secretary, Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 1990-1996, 2004-2007

Related Organizations:

  • Public Member to the Board of the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics 2024-present
  • Member, Connecticut Pulmonary Section (Connecticut Thoracic Society) Planning Committee for Annual Conference 2013, 2006-2010, 2014-2020
  • Committee Member, American Lung Association of Connecticut COPD Day for Practitioners and Patients 2017-2018, Flu Coalition 2002-2007, Special Day for Better Breathers 1998-2000, Chief Therapist at Camp treasure Chest 1989-1999
  • Member, Connecticut Workforce Development Committee 2004-2008


  • FAARC, 2019
  • MS, Master of Science Degree in Counseling /Human Resource Development, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1988
  • RRT, Bachelor of Science Degree in Respiratory Therapy, State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York, 1982

Elections Committee Questions:

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the AARC, and what do you recommend to address it?

The biggest challenge is that some of the best AARC’s initiatives may take time to come to fruition. To solve this I could encourage frank, candid communication about the progress of these initiatives to our members. I would also suggest bi-annual communication with all practicing RTs, not just our members on the progress of these initiatives. The recognition of respiratory therapists and our value will directly impact our patients and their outcomes. Despite our vital role in COVID, that recognition remains elusive to many practicing RTs. The SOAR initiative, to reform oxygen in the home, is making meaningful progress. Other long-term endeavors include compact licensure, recognition/licensure for the practice of an APRT, and the partnering with HOSA to educate students about the profession of Respiratory Therapy to help increase enrollment in RT programs. Communications, about all the small and large victories, is the key to keeping our members engaged with these long-range projects.

Healthcare is changing more rapidly than ever. What ideas do you have to help today’s respiratory therapist meet these changes?

Education is the key to being prepared for the future. Education can be obtained in different manners: continuing your formal education and earning a higher degree, through appropriate continuing education credits, or preparing and earning a specialty credential. The AARC offers diverse and robust educational programs for all respiratory therapists. Does the average therapist realize all that the AARC has to offer? A social media presence has made an impact on membership, could we harness this in other ways to promote Congress or the AARC’s on-line courses? Could the AARC provide a social media webinar to help the affiliates advertise and grow their local meetings?

Your role as Director-at Large is to represent the general AARC membership. If given the opportunity to represent, what will be your strategy in advocating for the everyday respiratory care professional?

I have always considered myself as an everyday Respiratory Therapist. I love my profession and want to see it grow and flourish. I frequently ask RTs and RT students that I meet if they are AARC members. I talk about why they should be members.

My strategy for advocating for the everyday respiratory therapist is listening to their concerns. While I was a director-at-large on the AARC Board of Directors, I still attended my state society meetings to keep abreast of the challenges and successes at the state level. Since moving, I am continuing to be active within my new and former state societies.