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AARC Election 2025 — Joel Brown

Joel Brown


Joel Brown

Arrived Leadership, LLC
AARC Member Since: 1996

AARC Election 2025 button

AARC Activities:

  • Leadership and Management Section Chair (2023- Present),
  • Leadership and Management Section Chair-Elect (2022),
  • Chair – Educational Journey and Role Advancement Taskforce (2023-Present),
  • IDEAA Committee (2014-Present),
  • Position Statement Committee (2016-April 2024),
  • Marketing Project Committee (2023),
  • AARC Speaker Academy Mentor (2023-Present).
  • AARC Congress – Open Forum Abstract Reviewer (2018-Present)

Affiliate Activities:

  • DSRC Golf Tournament Fund Raising Committee (2002-2007)
  • DSRC PACT representative (2024-Present)

Related Organizations:

  • Chair DE State Licensure Board (2008-2016),
  • Chair Leadership Delaware BOD,
  • Chair Delaware Guidance Services BOD (2016-2022),
  • BLS Instructor (2005-2020)




  • Verger, J., & Lebet, R. (2008). American Association of Critical Care Nurses Manual for Pediatric Acute and Critical Care. Aerosolized Medication: Metered Dose Inhalers PP. 1159-1164 Brown J. Endotracheal Suctioning of Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Artificial Airways. Restrepo R, Brown J, and HughesJ. Respiratory Care June 2010 Vol 55 No 6.
  • Status Asthmaticus: Fact Or Fiction? Brown J. AARC Times April 2015 PP 14-16.
  • Verger, J (2016) American Association of Critical Care Nurses 7th edition of the AACN Procedure Manual for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care. Arterial Blood Sampling. Brown J.

Elections Committee Questions:

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the AARC, and what do you recommend to address it?

The AARC’s biggest challenge is regaining membership among licensed RTa and recruiting new ones. To address this, partnering with State affiliates for tailored support and collaborating with organizations like HOSA, ACHE, NBRC, and COARC for joint campaigns and advocacy are crucial. Initiatives such as mentorship programs, scholarships, and advocating for supportive policies can further enhance recruitment efforts and strengthen the profession’s appeal. By leveraging partnerships, targeted outreach, and impactful messaging, the AARC can overcome its membership challenges and ensure a vibrant future for respiratory therapy.

Healthcare is changing more rapidly than ever. What ideas do you have to help today’s respiratory therapist meet these changes?

One idea to help today’s respiratory therapists meet the rapid changes in healthcare is to encourage them to connect with their local State Affiliate and become active members. By doing so, they can stay informed about industry updates, access professional development opportunities, and collaborate with peers to be part of the solution in addressing healthcare challenges.

Your role as Director-at Large is to represent the general AARC membership. If given the opportunity to represent, what will be your strategy in advocating for the everyday respiratory care professional?

As director-at-large, my strategy for advocating for everyday respiratory care professionals would involve remaining an active member of all AARC Sections. I’ll partner closely with section chairs and State Delegates to ensure members’ voices are heard and that they actively contribute to advancing our profession. This approach fosters inclusivity and collaboration and empowers members to play a significant role in shaping the future of respiratory care.