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Each month, Respiratory Care offers 1 free CRCE for AARC members only. All you have to do is achieve a passing score (70%) on the quiz based on the latest issue of Respiratory Care.

The 10 question post test contains 2 questions from each of the first 5 articles of this month’s issue of Respiratory Care. The article the question is referencing is noted by the lead author’s name in parentheses at the beginning of each question. All 5 articles will be available for download within the course.

***This course will expire after April 14, 2025.***You must take the post-test before this time.***

The video introduction to this course must be viewed before the post-test is available.

Approved for 1.00 CRCE Hours.

Learning Objectives

Discuss the main results of the study

Discuss the implications of the study on patient care

Identify the study design

Identify the research question of the study

Articles and Authors