AARC Congress 2016 pre-course attendees
The AARC Congress doesn’t begin until tomorrow, but San Antonio is already abuzz with AARC activity today as hundreds of folks who came in a day early for the meeting attend three pre-courses designed to deliver even more cutting edge information to respiratory professionals. Here’s what’s going on right now —
Arterial Fundamentals: Ultrasound Guided Arterial Catheter Insertion: This four hour simulation course is providing attendees with the knowledge they need to perform ultrasound scanning to identify anatomical structures, verify vessel health, and identity the appropriate insertion area. This is an industry-sponsored pre-course hosted by Teleflex Medical.
Lung Protection, VILI, & Alveolar Protection — the Good, the Bad, and the Better: Folks attending this session will walk away with the ability to explain the mechanisms by which the mechanical breath causes tissue damage at the alveolar level, describe how the parameters that comprise the mechanical breath can be adjusted to minimize VILI, and manipulate APRV ventilator settings to maximize alveolar protection from VILI. This is an industry-sponsored pre-course hosted by Draeger Medical Inc.
Preparing for a Pandemic: The Strategic National Stockpile: Mechanical Ventilation Workshop: A natural or manmade disaster involving large numbers of respiratory patients will tax the ability of health professionals to provide care. RTs at this workshop are gaining hands on experience with the Strategic National Stockpile ventilators that will be used to mechanically ventilate the victims. This pre-course is offered by the American Association for Respiratory Care.
All of the Congress pre-courses are approved for CRCE.
Congress-goers will find plenty of added value this week in San Antonio through a number of breakfast, lunch, and wine & cheese symposia hosted by our friends in industry.
If you’re attending the meeting, go by their booths to see if seats are still available!
Most people blowing on pinwheels at the same time (Oct. 15, 2016)
Attendees at tomorrow’s Awards Ceremony will be doing more than congratulating standout professionals in the field. They’ll be drawing in and blowing out as much air as they can to set a world’s record for the most people blowing on pinwheels at the same time! An official judge from GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ will be on hand to document the attempt. Stay tuned to tomorrow’s Gazette to see if we made it!