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New AARC Board of Directors Elected

New AARC Board of Directors Announced

Voting in the 2025 AARC Election ended on October 9, and President Carl Hinkson has announced the results. The results of this year’s officer and director election are:

  • Vice President – Internal Affairs – Teresa “Teri” Miller, MEd, RRT, CPFT, FAARC, Vice President – Internal Affairs
  • Vice President – External Affairs – Jacklyn Grimball, MA, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Kari Neville, BSRC, RRT-NPS, FAARC
  • Director-at-Large – Maria Madden, MSc, RRT, RRT-ACCS, FAARC
  • Director-at-Large – Joel Brown, MSM-HCA, RRT, FAARC

At the close of the 2024 Annual Business Meeting, Dana Evans, MHA, RRT, RRT-NPS, FACHE, FAARC, will begin her two-year term as AARC President with Carl Hinkson, MS, RRT-NPS, ACCS, FAARC, moving into the Immediate Past President position.

Three AARC Specialty Sections also held their election, and the following members have been elected to serve as chair-elects:

  • Leadership & Management – Gbolahan “Gboly” Harris, RRT, RRT-SDS, RRT-NPS, RPSGT
  • Neonatal-Pediatrics – Emilee Lamorena, MSC, RRT, RRT-NPS
  • Sleep – Peter Allen, BSRC, RRT, RRT-NPS, RRT-SDS, RST, RPSGT

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