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Susie's Story

“As I have had some time now to acclimate to the gas tanks, I have a better feel for pros and cons of each system. And there are pros and cons for both! In an ideal world, we could have access to both and be able to choose what we wish to use. But obviously our health care system and insurance payments will not allow for that. Some issues such as the disadvantage of liquid slowly evaporating over time regardless of whether it is being used seemed wasteful; however the metal gas cylinders also leak if the regulator and washers are not very snug and strong. Plus as one uses the gas content in a cylinder, the pressure inside starts to drop and the set flow rate becomes weaker toward the end of the tank. If I require a specific (higher) flow, I need to start a fresh tank prior to a cylinder being completely emptied. This is also wasteful. An E tank at higher flow, such as I would use for exercise or faster walking (e.g., 5 or 6 liters) does NOT LAST AS LONG as the Companion T liquid portable that I had for higher flow. (an E tank at 6 L continuous flow lasts close to but not quite 2 hours, whereas a Companion T at 6L lasts approximately 2.8 hours). The size difference and portability is significantly different (note that in photo I’m showing a Marathon and not the Companion T, which I had to return when I lost my liquid equipment/supplies):

If I’m going somewhere by myself and without assistance, getting in and out of a car requires both a smaller tank (backpack) as well as an E tank for longer outings, as one cannot place the E tank in the car and then sit in the driver’s seat without first situating and securing the cart, removing the nasal cannula, and then reattaching oneself to the oxygen source. Grocery shopping with an E tank is cumbersome and difficult. Pumping gas and various activities are too awkward to do with an E tank. For shopping and outings, I now opt to use a smaller tank(s) and use a lower flow rate (or hurry!). Trips require planning – for how long I will be gone, what activities I will do and how much oxygen I might need, how many tanks to bring. And generally requires packing an additional tank in case my washer fails or the tank isn’t full enough.

Walking on uneven pavement or grass or sand is very difficult using a stroller, which drags and can tip if the surface is uneven. Stairs present challenges above and beyond the difficulty we already experience from having impaired lungs.

Lastly, the ability to remain independent and to participate in “normal” activities and beloved hobbies is made more difficult when using tanks compared to a longer lasting liquid portable. This may be considered an inconvenience for an oxygen provider or insurance company (I’ve been told traveling is a luxury and not a necessity) but for me, I resent having to make accommodations or discontinue doing things I love.

Taking a road trip, especially if overnight, requires a lot of planning.

Going to a football game would require 2 E tanks and 2-3 D tanks, depending on how much walking is required to get from the car to the stadium, and whether one tailgates or not.

When gardening, I’ve had the tank fall over and broke a regulator that way. It’s much easier to garden with a backpack on, but I can end up using several smaller tanks in just one day of gardening. Remember, we are limited in how many tanks we can have delivered in one week! With a liquid reservoir, I could fill a portable dozens of times, with each fill lasts longer than an equivalently sized metal gas cylinder.

The important thing to remember is that not all oxygen patients are homebound and inactive. We still have lives and try and maintain fitness as best as we can, regardless of our disease state.

Power outages! The upcoming storm made me remember…. Another advantage of liquid oxygen is that it doesn’t require electricity. When at home, we are expected to use our plug-in concentrator, and save the tanks for true portable outings only. But if the power goes out, one is in a pickle indeed! With the liquid reservoir, we could continue to refill a portable, and had the option of attaching a cannula directly to the reservoir itself. I had to do this in the past, twice, when our electricity was out for a couple of days due to a storm.”

Story provided by the American Lung Association.