About This Course
Are you ready to challenge the NBRC Therapist Multiple Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations? Let the AARC help you not only prepare for these important credentialing examinations but also enhance your respiratory care knowledge!
The AARC Exam Prep program integrates several components to ensure your learning is maximized and you will have access to all course components for 365 days after your purchase.
NBRC Self-Assessment Examinations: The purchase price of the AARC Exam Prep program includes two (2) Therapist Multiple Choice self-assessment examinations and two (2) Clinical Simulation Examinations straight from the NBRC! ($200 value) We recommend taking one TMC and one CSE self-assessment prior to beginning your studies to identify your strengths and weaknesses. We’ll even itemize your TMC strengths and weaknesses on the Exam Prep program webpage. After you’re finished with the videos and practice quizzes, take the remaining TMC and CSE to see how you’ve improved. This will prepare you for the real test!
Course videos: All of our content was delivered and recorded by leaders in respiratory care. The content directly relates to the NBRC TMC and CSE examination matrices and clearly explains difficult concepts. Each video is accompanied by a handout for further studies. The videos are organized by NBRC examination matrix items, so you’ll see 17 different “Exam Prep” seminars in your AARC U classroom.
Continuing Respiratory Care Education: All 17 seminars included in the AARC’s Exam Prep program qualify for CRCE. The amount of CRCE for each seminar is variable and is determined by the amount of time it will take to complete the individual seminar.
This material has been updated to reflect the NBRC’s 2020 TMC/CSE Detailed Content Outline.
Exam Prep 1A: Patient Data Evaluation-Evaluate Data in the Patient Record

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IA of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains three (3) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hour and 53 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all three videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 2.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Douglas Masini EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C, CSE, FAARC
- Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
- Shawna Strickland PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 1B: Patient Data Evaluation-Gather Clinical Information

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IB of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains six (6) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 2 hours. To access the test for this module, you must watch all five videos in their entirety. PDF handouts of the presentations are provided for your convenience. The post-test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 2.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Robert Harwood MSA, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Ashley R Lachowicz, MSc, RRT-ACCS, NPS, AE-C
- Sandi Cooksey, RRT
Exam Prep 1C & 1D: Patient Data Evaluation: Gather Information and Evaluate Procedure Results

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content areas IC and ID of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains fourteen (14) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 4 hours and 55 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 14 videos in their entirety. PDF handouts of the presentations are provided for your convenience. The post-test contains 25 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 5.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Craig Black PhD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Steve Nelson MS, RRT, CPFT, FAARC
- Diane Oldfather MHEd, RRT, FAARC
- Lois Rowland MS, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT, FAARC
- Brady Scott, PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, AE-C, FAARC, FCCP
Exam Prep 1E: Patient Data Evaluation-Recommend Diagnostic Procedures

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IE of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains four (4) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hour and 28 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all four videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Craig Black PhD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Diane Oldfather MHEd, RRT, FAARC
Exam Prep 2A: Troubleshooting and Quality Control-Assemble and Troubleshoot Equipment

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIA of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains ten (10) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 2 hours and 21 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 10 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 15 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 2.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Douglas Gardenhire EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC
- David Lucas MS, RRT, RRT-NPS
- Douglas Masini EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C, CSE, FAARC
- Timothy Myers MBA, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Georgianna Sergakis PhD, RRT, FAARC
Exam Prep 2B: Troubleshooting and Quality Control-Ensure Infection Control

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content areas IIB and IIC of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains two (2) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 30 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch the videos in their entirety. The post test contains 5 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 0.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Ashley R Lachowicz, MSc, RRT-ACCS, NPS, AE-C
- Sandi Cooksey, RRT
Exam Prep 2C: Troubleshooting and Quality Control- Perform Quality Control Measures

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content areas IIC of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains one (1) video addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 23 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch the video in its entirety. The post test contains 5 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 0.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Timothy Myers MBA, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Exam Prep 3A: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Maintain a Patent Airway

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIA of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains two (2) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hour. To access the test for this module, you must watch both videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
- Shawna Strickland PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 3B: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Perform Airway Clearance & Lung Expansion

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIB of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains three (3) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hours and 17 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 3 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.25 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Douglas Gardenhire EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
- Georgiana Sergakis PhD, RRT, FAARC
Exam Prep 3C: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Support Oxygenation and Ventilation

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIC of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains six (6) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 3 hours and 38 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 6 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 15 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 3.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Robert Kacmarek PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Susan Pilbeam MS, RRT, FAARC
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 3D: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Administer Medications & Specialty Gases

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIID of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains two (2) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 45 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch both videos in their entirety. The post test contains 5 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 0.75 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Shawna Strickland PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 3E: Initiation & Modification of Interventions-Ensure Modifications are Made to the Plan

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIE of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains eleven (11) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 11 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 25 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 4.25 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Douglas Gardenhire EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC
- Diane Oldfather MHEd, RRT, FAARC
- Dean Hess PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Robert Kacmarek PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT-NPS, AE-C
- Susan Pilbeam PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Georgiana Sergakis PhD, RRT, FAARC
Exam Prep 3F: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Utilize Evidence-Based Medicine

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIF of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains four (4) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 4 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.75 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
- Robert Kacmarek PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Shawna Strickland PhD, RRT, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 3G: Initiation and Modification of Interventions- High Risk Situations

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIG of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains three (3) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 1 hour. To access the test for this module, you must watch all three videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Steven Sittig RRT RRT-NPS, C-NPT, FAARC
- Douglas Laher MBA, RRT, FAARC
Exam Prep 3H: Initiation and Modification of Interventions-Assist in Performing Procedures

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area IIIH of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains two (2) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 25 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch both videos in their entirety. The post test contains 5 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 0.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Georgiana Sergakis PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Shawna Strickland PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC
Exam Prep 3I: Initiation & Modification of Interventions: Initiate/Conduct Patient/Family Education

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on content area III-I of the NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination Detailed Content Outline.
This module contains four (1) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 60 minutes. To access the test for this module, you must watch all 4 videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 1.0 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Georgiana Sergakis PhD, RRT, FAARC
- Timothy Op’t Holt EdD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
- Diane Oldfather MHEd, RRT, FAARC
- Anne M. Geistkemper, MSc, RRT, RRT-NPS
Exam Prep 4: Test Taking Techniques

This module of the Exam Prep course focuses on preparing the candidate for the NBRC examinations.
This module contains four (4) videos addressing the content area. Total video time for this module is approximately 2.5 hours. To access the test for this module, you must watch all four videos in their entirety. The post test contains 10 questions from the module videos. Successful completion of this module earns 2.5 CRCE.
Speaker Information
- Bill Galvin, MSEd, RRT, CPFT, AE-C, FAARC